The ETHNO BELEK Family is committed to providing our valued guests with the highest quality accommodation experience. We monitor and address all suggestions and complaints from any source, resolving complaints in accordance with ethical conduct rules and keeping you informed transparently.
To preserve and continuously improve our quality of life, we operate with environmental awareness, implementing energy and natural resource conservation measures, and aiming to reduce waste without disrupting ecological balance.

We strive to source our raw materials from local suppliers to support and uplift the local community and entrepreneurs. We also make sure to select our employees locally.
With our accessibility philosophy, we provide a comfortable environment for our valued guests and staff with special needs.
By complying with the applicable laws and contracts, we diligently fulfill our responsibilities towards environmental protection in line with our sustainability principle.
We adopt a human resources policy that ensures equal rights for all our employees, providing health, safety, and welfare without discrimination based on gender, religion, language, race, or sect.
As ETHNO BELEK, we inform you about all the historical sites and unique beauties listed in the cultural heritage in our region through our reception and promote them in the hotel areas and sales points. We provide information on accessing historical sites and cultural heritage points, including behavioral norms and cultural values in these areas.
To ensure the continuous development of our sustainability management system, we closely monitor technological advancements, environmental regulations, local activities, and guest expectations, including raising staff awareness.
We set goals for our sustainability performance based on the principle of continuous improvement and regularly review our progress. We assess all risks related to sustainability, plan activities to reduce the severity of these risks, and review our risks at regular intervals.
Respecting children's rights and protecting them from all forms of psychological, physical, and commercial exploitation is our primary responsibility. To prevent such exploitation, we provide training to our hotel staff on abuse and harassment. We also frequently emphasize the necessity for our staff to report any suspected child abuse to management.
ETHNO BELEK supports women in all areas and takes necessary measures to ensure they do not face abuse, harassment, discrimination, bullying, coercion, or defamation.
By adopting a sustainability management system, we contribute to both the national economy and the hotel's economy.
As ETHNO BELEK We are committed to:
• Minimizing the negative impact of our activities on the environment, reducing waste, preventing environmental pollution, and ensuring proper waste management.
• Measuring and conserving the consumption of all water resources used in our facility.
• Using water in a way that does not harm natural life, local livelihoods, or life itself.
• Being efficient in our use of electricity, water, natural gas, and chemicals, planning activities to reduce consumption each year, and increasing the use of renewable energy sources.
• Working with environmentally certified products and suppliers in our procurement process.
• Creating a work environment where our employees can develop themselves and work safely.
• Preventing all forms of discrimination among our employees, ensuring equal rights in employment, career management, compensation, and performance evaluation, and thereby increasing employee loyalty.
• Supporting local entrepreneurs.
• Valuing local employment.
• Protecting wildlife, pets, and endemic plants.
• Raising awareness of sustainability among all our stakeholders, employees, and guests.
• Adopting legal working hours and compensation in line with business ethics rules and corporate governance principles in our human resources management.
General Manager

"We Draw Our Path Towards Nature: Greening Every Moment With Our Steps Toward the Future with Sustainability"